What to expect
Before the consultation you will be asked to fill out two health questionnaires and a 6 food diary that will be emailed to you. I have them both in English and in Swedish. During the first consultation we’ll thoroughly discuss your health/medical history and goals and try to identify the underlying causes and triggers for your symptoms. I will draw up your individually tailored Health & Nutrition Protocol for you to follow until the next time we meet. It will most likely include dietary changes, recommendations of high quality supplements, lifestyle suggestions and often a hospital blood test. I also have private labs that can be sent abroad for analysis.
It is common that a person comes for an initial consultation and 4-6 follow-up sessions over the course of a year. It is important to remember that Nutrition & Lifestyle medicine is not a quick fix and it can take a long time to improve or resolve symptoms and pain. It’s also important to have realistic expectations especially if you’ve had chronic or autoimmune health problems for many years or decades. Having said that, I and the other therapists that I work with will always do our utmost to make you as healthy as you possibly can be and we often get good results.
I have made some exciting changes to the way I work and I am a proud co-owner of a clinic and digital wellness platform called Nordic Wellth. We are a multidisciplinary team of registered nutritionists, medical doctors and health coaches that work together to promote optimal health for each individual. We offer all kinds of health related products and services like hospital & functional lab tests, supplements, recipes, group programs and consultations. Stay tuned on any updates: https://www.facebook.com/nordicwellth/ and Instagram @wellthplatform.
“Note: health recommendations for nutritional & lifestyle support do not replace ongoing medical treatments; are not intended as a substitute for conventional medical care; and any acute health concerns that you have should be discussed with your doctor”
Jag är svensk men har fortfarande inte översatt min hemsida till svenska….Ifall ni vill komma i kontakt med mig så kan ni såklart skriva på svenska.
Kostnad: en första konsultation varar ca 2 timmar och 15 minuter och kostar 3750 kr. Uppföljningskonsultationer kostar 1350 kr och varar ca 55-60 minuter. Detta pris inkluderar moms men inga tester. Ett utförligt blodprov kostar oftast mellan 1750 kr till 3000 kr.
Jag gör helst alla initiala möten i kliniken men bor du långt från Stockholm så kan dessa även göras via videokonsultation.
Jag praktiserar vid Odenplan i Stockholm. Kliniken heter Odenplans Integrerade Hälsoklinik och ligger på Upplandsgatan 38, vån 4.
Vill ni boka en konsultation vänligen fyll i nedan formulär. Jag har tyvärr inte tid att pratas vid i telefon innan bokningar och lyssnar heller inte av min telefonsvarare…..maila gärna.